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Appropriate Body

The appointment of an Appropriate Body is a statutory requirement for the Early Career Teacher (ECT) induction period.

All schools that offer statutory induction are legally required to have registered their Early Career Teacher (ECT) with an Appropriate Body.  Unity Teaching School Hub provides Appropriate Body services to meet this need in schools across Suffolk and Essex, across all phases and settings.

All qualified teachers who are employed in a relevant school in England must, by law, have completed an induction period satisfactorily, subject to specified exemptions and confirmed by an Appropriate Body.

Early Career Framework (ECF) based training is expected to be embedded as a central aspect of this induction; it is not an additional training programme. Retrospective registrations are not possible. All ECTs need an ‘upfront’ contract of at least one term in order to be eligible for induction. In accordance with the statutory guidance the post must be suitable for an ECT.  Please contact us via for more advice if there is a concern about the suitability of a particular post.


An ECT cannot start their induction until they are registered with an Appropriate Body.

You will need to either:

Register a new ECT with Unity Teaching School Hub Appropriate Body

Check you have completed the steps in the flow diagram below 'Steps to Take if You Appoint an ECT' (see Further Information), you can register directly via ECT Manager. This is a paperless system for recording data securely, submitting assessments, accessing resources, raising alerts and managing ECTs during induction. 

When you register on ECT Manager, please ensure that you have:

  • Your ECT’s teacher reference number
  • Their full name and date of birth
  • Full name of their induction tutor
  • Full name of their mentor

Induction can only commence once we have checked that the information you provide matches data already registered nationally: in the busy summer months please be aware that checks may only be possible within the normal working day period.


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Transfer an existing ECT from another AB to Unity Teaching School Hub Appropriate Body

It is quick and easy to transfer your existing ECTs to Unity Appropriate Body by completing the following steps. Please note, the transfer will not be processed until the current assessments and progress reviews have been completed at the end of term. Completing these steps before the end of the summer term will ensure there is the facility to resolve any anomalies before the outgoing AB closes on 31 August.

     1. Using your current ECT Manager login, open the overview page for the individual ECT.

     2. Scroll down to the bottom, until  the section ‘Transfer ECT to another Appropriate Body’.

     3. Click on the new Appropriate Body, 'Unity Teaching School Hub Appropriate Body'

     4. For the date of transfer, insert 17 July 2024. The transfer will not be processed until the current assessments and progress reviews are completed and approved by the original AB

     5. Click transfer.

You will need to repeat these steps for each ECT you wish to transfer to Unity Teaching School Hub AB.

If you have any questions, please contact us via:

And then:

Register for Welcome and Induction Training

The Welcome and Induction training is essential for all Induction Tutors and Early Career Teachers new to Unity TSH Appropriate Body.




Set up and manage your ECF-based training for your Early Career Teacher


Further Information

What is an Appropriate Body?

Appropriate Bodies independently quality assure statutory induction, ensuring that schools provide adequate support for their ECTs; that their assessment is fair and consistent across all institutions; and that they are receiving a programme of support and training based on the ECF.

An Appropriate Body:

  • has the main quality assurance role within the induction process.
  • is responsible for checking that headteachers/principals have put in place an induction programme for the ECT and ensuring that this programme of support is clearly based on the ECF.
  • will have a role in checking that early career teachers are receiving a programme of support and training based on the ECF. This will be alongside their current role ensuring that new teachers receive their statutory entitlements and are fairly and consistently assessed.
  • ensures that monitoring and support throughout induction is sufficient to mean that there are no surprises when an ECT reaches a formal assessment point.

Full details on the role of Appropriate Bodies associated with the induction of early career teachers are outlined in the DfE's Induction for early career teachers (England).

Steps to take if you appoint an ECT


Unity Teaching School Hub ECT Handbook

Once you have registered on ECT Manager, you will be able to download the ECT Handbook which can be found in ECT Manager.

Supporting you in providing the Early Career Framework entitlement, incl. costs

Supporting you in providing the Early Career Framework (ECF) entitlement to your Early Career Teachers

All schools that offer a statutory induction are required to have an Appropriate Body for their Early Career Teachers (ECTs). As a Teaching School Hub (TSH) we will provide Appropriate Body services to meet the needs of our region across all phases and settings.

There are three approaches to enable the delivery of an ECF-based induction. Schools can choose:

  • A funded provider-led programme (Full Induction Programme)
  • To deliver their own training using DfE-accredited materials and resources (Core Induction Programme)
  • To design and deliver their own ECF-based induction (School-based Induction Programme).

It is up to school leaders to choose the approach that best suits the needs of their early career teachers and mentors. In addition to serving as an Appropriate Body, the Unity Teaching School Hub is a delivery partner of Ambition Institute, delivering the fully funded Full Induction Programme.

Please contact us if you wish to register for this high-quality training programme for ECTs and their mentors, which comes at no cost to schools.


Unity TSH Appropriate Body fees

For the services outlined above the costs are as follows:

The service described below constitutes the SLA for schools and settings for the academic year 2024 - 2025. Schools will be charged £240 per year for each ECT. We are pleased to be able to keep the costs the same as last academic year. Schools will be invoiced annually, at £240 pa, for each ECT including those requesting a reduced induction as additional administrative work is required by the Appropriate Body. Extra charges may be incurred for additional work required if deadlines are missed.

Schools using DfE-accredited materials to deliver their own ECF-based training require fidelity checking at a charge of £820 per setting, in addition to the individual ECT registration charge of £480 per ECT. Should additional work be required this will be charged at £550 per day.

Schools designing and delivering their own ECF-based training require fidelity checking at a charge of £1320, in addition to the individual ECT registration charge of £480 per ECT. Should additional work be required this will be charged at £550 per day.

ECT Route
(As chosen by the School)
Cost Payable per ECT
(Charged at the beginning of
each academic year)

DfE-funded provider-led programme 
(Full Induction Programme with Ambition Institute through Unity Teaching School Hub)


£240 per ECT per year

DfE-accredited materials to deliver your own programme
(Core Induction Programme)

£820 per school per year plus
£240 per ECT per year

(Additional work charged at £550 per day)

Design and deliver your own ECF-based programme
(School-based Induction Programme)

£1320 per school plus

£240 per ECT per year

(Additional work charged at £550 per day)

(See SLA for further information)

Appropriate Body Reforms: Update, FAQs and guidance for registering ECTs

Teaching School Hubs (TSH) will become the main provider of AB services from September 2024. From September 2024 the National Teacher Accreditation (NTA) AB service will cease.   We are committed to supporting schools through this transition and are working in partnership with neighbouring TSHs to secure cohesion and excellence in service for all schools within and beyond our area.

The documents below guide you through what you need to know, and what you need to do, when registering new ECTs and managing the transfer to a TSH AB for any existing ECTs who are with other ABs who are not due to complete their induction by September 2024.

As ever, please do not hesitate to contact us for support and guidance in any AB or ECT related matter ( and