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The Golden Thread

The Golden Thread

The golden thread of teacher development runs through a teacher's whole career:

  • Initial Teacher Training
  • Early Career Teachers
  • National Professional Qualifications


Initial Teacher Training

Unity Teaching School Hub is partnered with NESTT and CTSN, two experienced teacher training providers, and as a Lead Partner to these organisations, Unity TSH will recruit, train, and retain excellent candidates into teaching to meet the educational needs of the area. 

Early Career Teachers

We are partnered with Ambition Institute on their Early Career Teachers programme, which delivers on the government's Early Career Framework (ECF). It offers a tried and tested two-year support package for early career teachers to increase their confidence in teaching effectively, and helps experienced educators to become supportive mentors.

National Professional Qualifications

With the Teacher Development Trust we are delivering the new and reformed suite of NPQs, designed to support experienced teachers, middle leaders, senior leaders and headteachers. They complete the golden thread, running from initial teacher training through to school leadership, rooting teacher and school leader development in the best available evidence ad collective wisdom of the profession.